00.R&D Launch Vehicle の求人一覧 - インターステラテクノロジズ株式会社
01 [Development Avionics] Battery Unit Development Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
- Development of battery units for rockets
- Configuration design, component selection, and testing of battery systems
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Avionics] Embedded Software Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
- Software design, implementation, and testing for embedded devices
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Mechatronics] Control Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
- Control design and implementation of actuator units
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Mechatronics] Mechanical Design Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
Design of rocket equipment layout and mechanical design of mechatronics components
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Mechatronics] Mechanical Engineering General Recruitment (Tokyo)
■Job Description
*Depending on your experience, skills, and preferences, you will be responsible for a series of tasks from development to comprehensive testing in one of the following areas.
- Specification review and design development of airframe structural components and high-pressure vessels
- Specification review and design development of airframe shapes and fairing shapes
- Specification review and design development of piping and valve systems
- Specification review and design development of turbopump systems
- Specification review and design development of mechanical components and actuator devices
*This role provides an environment where experience in mechanical and structural design of bodies, chassis, powertrains, valves, piping, pumps, and high-pressure gas/liquid fuel handling equipment in mobility industries such as automotive and maritime can be applied to rocket development.
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Mechatronics] Power Electronics Development Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
- Development of actuator control devices
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Structures] Lead Structural Design Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
- Design of airframe structures based on system requirements
- Formulation of verification plans
- Evaluation of design results through analysis and testing
- Schedule management and coordination within and outside the company during development
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
■Please refer to the following document for more information about the job description.
01 [Development Systems] GNC Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
- Design, development, validation, and procurement of rocket GNC (Guidance, Navigation, and Control) systems
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Systems] Orbital Analysis Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
- Design, development, validation, and procurement of rocket flight simulators
- Design, development, validation, and procurement of various flight analysis software
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Systems] Rocket Systems Engineer/Flight Safety Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
This position is open for two fields. We welcome applications from candidates who qualify for either of the following roles:
1. Rocket Systems Engineer
- Design, development, and feasibility evaluation of rockets as integrated systems, including airframe, launch site, and orbit
2. Flight Safety Engineer
- Flight safety analysis and reliability evaluation of rocket systems, including classification of failure modes and consolidation of failure probabilities
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 【Development Avionics】 Electrical Design Engineer (Tokyo)
■Job Description
- General electrical design
- Harness design, in-body routing, connector selection for boards, coordination of enclosure requirements, etc.
■Company Overview
Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO.
In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 【開発部】ターボポンプ 設計・試験・性能評価(帯広)
■ 主な仕事内容
01【開発部】推進系 機械設計(大樹/東京)
※ 推進系:推進剤、推進剤タンク、推進剤供給・加圧配管、バルブなどで構成される、ロケットエンジンに推進剤を供給する機能を持つシステムの総称
01【開発部】推進系 解析(帯広/東京)
01【開発部】東北支社立上げ オープンポジション(福島)
1. 製品評価試験/試験設備オペレーター
・耐環境試験 (振動試験 / 真空試験 / 熱サイクル試験 など)
・強度試験 (引張試験 / 曲げ試験 など)
・機能 / 動作試験 (機構系部品の動作試験など。対象となる製品による)
・圧力容器 / 配管等の 耐圧・気密試験 (流体を問わず)
・振動試験 (振動試験機:IMV社製)
2. 総務・庶務
3. 機械加工・部品製作
01【開発部】機構系 機械設計(東京)
・耐環境試験(振動試験 / 真空試験 / 熱サイクル試験 など)
・強度試験(引張試験 / 曲げ試験 など)
・機能 / 動作試験(機構系部品の動作試験など。対象製品による)
・圧力容器 / 配管等の耐圧・気密試験(流体は問わず)
Export Control Laws
Unless explicitly notified otherwise, our vacancies are covered by Export Control Laws which require candidates to be from an "Export Safe" Country as deemed by the Japanese Government. The countries are as follows: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,Japan, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America
1. 企画・要件定義
2. 基本設計
3. 詳細設計
4. 施工・試運転
01【開発部】電装系 設計(東京)
■これまでの学生インターン 業務例
・気蓄器ガス 温度モデル作成等