インターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 全ての求人一覧01. Design & Engineering(設計) の求人一覧
インターステラテクノロジズ株式会社 全ての求人一覧

01 [Development Avionics] Battery Unit Development Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description - Development of battery units for rockets - Configuration design, component selection, and testing of battery systems ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Avionics] Battery Unit Development Engineer (Tokyo)

01 [Development Avionics] Embedded Software Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description - Software design, implementation, and testing for embedded devices ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Avionics] Embedded Software Engineer (Tokyo)

01 [Development Mechatronics] Control Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description - Control design and implementation of actuator units ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Mechatronics] Control Engineer (Tokyo)

01 [Development Mechatronics] Mechanical Design Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description Design of rocket equipment layout and mechanical design of mechatronics components ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Mechatronics] Mechanical Design Engineer (Tokyo)

01 [Development Mechatronics] Mechanical Engineering General Recruitment (Tokyo)

■Job Description *Depending on your experience, skills, and preferences, you will be responsible for a series of tasks from development to comprehensive testing in one of the following areas. - Specification review and design development of airframe structural components and high-pressure vessels - Specification review and design development of airframe shapes and fairing shapes - Specification review and design development of piping and valve systems - Specification review and design development of turbopump systems - Specification review and design development of mechanical components and actuator devices *This role provides an environment where experience in mechanical and structural design of bodies, chassis, powertrains, valves, piping, pumps, and high-pressure gas/liquid fuel handling equipment in mobility industries such as automotive and maritime can be applied to rocket development. ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Mechatronics] Mechanical Engineering General Recruitment (Tokyo)

01 [Development Mechatronics] Power Electronics Development Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description - Development of actuator control devices ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Mechatronics] Power Electronics Development Engineer (Tokyo)

01 [Development Structures] Lead Structural Design Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description - Design of airframe structures based on system requirements - Formulation of verification plans - Evaluation of design results through analysis and testing - Schedule management and coordination within and outside the company during development ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO. ■Please refer to the following document for more information about the job description. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBPLzQgsQ/ABqLHmWJxrN-aeeAzKM48w/view?utm_content=DAGBPLzQgsQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
01 [Development Structures] Lead Structural Design Engineer (Tokyo)

01 [Development Systems] GNC Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description - Design, development, validation, and procurement of rocket GNC (Guidance, Navigation, and Control) systems ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Systems] GNC Engineer (Tokyo)

01 [Development Systems] Orbital Analysis Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description - Design, development, validation, and procurement of rocket flight simulators - Design, development, validation, and procurement of various flight analysis software ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Systems] Orbital Analysis Engineer (Tokyo)

01 [Development Systems] Rocket Systems Engineer/Flight Safety Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description This position is open for two fields. We welcome applications from candidates who qualify for either of the following roles: 1. Rocket Systems Engineer - Design, development, and feasibility evaluation of rockets as integrated systems, including airframe, launch site, and orbit 2. Flight Safety Engineer - Flight safety analysis and reliability evaluation of rocket systems, including classification of failure modes and consolidation of failure probabilities ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 [Development Systems] Rocket Systems Engineer/Flight Safety Engineer (Tokyo)

01 【Development Avionics】 Electrical Design Engineer (Tokyo)

■Job Description - General electrical design - Harness design, in-body routing, connector selection for boards, coordination of enclosure requirements, etc. ■Company Overview Interstellar Technologies is a venture company aiming to create an overwhelmingly affordable and convenient infrastructure for space, making it accessible to everyone. Headquartered in Taiki Town, Hokkaido, the company also operates development sites in Tokyo, Fukushima, Obihiro, and the Muroran Technology Research Institute (located within Muroran Institute of Technology). Our sounding rocket MOMO achieved the first and only spaceflight by a private Japanese company, and we are now intensifying the development of our next-generation small satellite launch vehicle, ZERO. In September 2023, we secured 2 billion yen in funding after being selected for the SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In March 2024, we signed a basic agreement with JAXA for procurement of launch transportation services. In April, we signed a contract with Italian venture company D-Orbit, which specializes in logistics services for small satellites, for future launches. These milestones are accelerating our business towards the launch of ZERO.
01 【Development Avionics】 Electrical Design Engineer (Tokyo)

01 【開発部】ターボポンプ 設計・試験・性能評価(帯広)

ターボポンプを構成する各種コンポーネント(軸受、軸シール、インペラ、インデューサー、タービンなど)またはシステム全体の開発を主導していただきます。 具体的には、ご経験に応じて、以下の業務をお任せします。 ■ 主な仕事内容 ・極低温環境や回転中の振動など、特殊な運用環境を考慮した装備品(軸受、インペラ等)の設計、またはターボポンプのシステム設計・エンジンとのインターフェース調整 ・ターボポンプの要素試験・単体試験における試験仕様の作成および試験計画の立案 ・試験当日のオペレーションおよび試験後の結果評価 ■ターボポンプについて ターボポンプは燃焼器に燃料と酸化剤を供給するロケットエンジンの「心臓部」です。設計・開発には極めて高い技術力が求められ、ロケット開発の中でも最も難しい分野の一つとされています。 インターステラテクノロジズでは、このターボポンプの設計から組立、試験までを自社で一貫して行っており、基幹ロケット関連企業以外では国内唯一の専門的な知見を有しています。 2024年8月には熱走試験に成功し、サブスケールモデルの開発を完了。現在は、実証機への搭載を目指したフルスケールモデルの開発および試験に取り組んでいます。 詳細は、下記の記事をご覧ください。 https://www.istellartech.com/news/press/8701
01 【開発部】ターボポンプ 設計・試験・性能評価(帯広)


ロケット全体の技術設計に関わる、各種解析業務やシステム仕様の作成業務をお任せします。 ■具体的な仕事内容(一例) ・ロケットシステムの設計、サブシステムの統合及び最適化(飛行経路解析・運動解析・荷重解析・振動モーダル解析・GNC設計・安全設計等) ・サブシステム(推進・構造・制御機構・アビオニクス・通信等)に対する設計要求の定義と配分 ・各サブシステム及びインタフェースの仕様調整と管理 ・設計トレードオフ評価、技術リスクの分析 ・プロジェクト室と連携し、技術目標、スケジュール、コストのバランス調整 ・技術文書、計画書、仕様書、検証資料の作成 ■システムグループのミッション  システムグループは、打ち上げミッションを確実に達成するためにロケットが持つべき機能・性能を定め、また設計・製造されたロケットが全体として要求された機能・性能を満たしているか検証することに対して責任を持っています。  液体ロケットシステムを構成する要素は、エンジン・タンク・制御機構・機体構造・アビオニクス・無線通信系など非常に多岐にわたります。これらの要素は時として、互いに相反する要求や複雑な設計条件を持っています。さらに、お客様となる人工衛星事業者の要望に応えることや、関連する法規へ適合することも不可欠です。システムグループはこれらの事項を俯瞰的に取りまとめ、全体としてロケットの性能が最適となるようコンポーネントの設計者と協力して機体の仕様決定や機能・性能の検証をしています。


■仕事内容 ・ロケットに搭載するバッテリユニットの開発 ・バッテリシステムの構成検討、部品選定、試験


■仕事内容 小型衛星打ち上げ用ロケット「ZERO」の射場、試験設備等の企画検討から全体エンジニアリングに携わっていただきます。 入社後はできる業務からお願いし、業務に慣れてきたら幅広い領域を担当することができます。 ・要件定義 ・概念設計 ・プロセス設計


液体ロケット推進システムに必要な装備品の開発を行う加圧供給グループの中で、ロケット機体に搭載する各種コンポーネント(極低温配管、高圧配管、空圧弁、電磁弁、推進剤マネジメントデバイス等)の開発主担当として、下記の業務を中心に裁量を持ってお任せします。 ■具体的な仕事内容 ・極低温や飛行中の振動などの特殊な環境を考慮した装備品(配管・バルブ等)の強度設計 ・流体的な要件に基づいた流路形状の検討 ・解析チームと連携した流体・構造解析および結果の評価 ・製造図面の作成と生産チームとの調整 ・設計したコンポーネントの検証のための各種試験の計画と実施、評価(振動、熱サイクル、フローテスト) ■加圧供給系(推進系)とは ・ロケットにおける加圧供給系(推進系)とは、ロケットエンジン、タンク、搭載電子機器(アビオニクス)などの機能を総合し、ロケット機体の飛行に不可欠な推進力を適切に発揮させる機能を司る機能の開発に責任を持っています。 ・ロケットの打上げやステージ燃焼試験などの大規模試験の計画や実施、推進システムに関わる各種システム設計・解析、機体に搭載する各種装備品・コンポーネントの設計・開発といった、コンポーネント設計から運用まで幅広い領域を担当しています。


液体ロケット推進システムの設計および必要な装備品の開発を行う加圧供給グループの中で、推進システム設計担当としてご経験等を踏まえて下記の業務を中心にお任せします。 ■具体的な仕事内容 ・液体推進システム設計解析(例:飛行計画に基づく推進剤搭載・消費計画の立案、推進剤タンク圧力計画の検討など) ・推進システム設計に基づく各種装備品への要求設定 ・コンポーネント設計チームと連携した各種装備品の性能試験の実施、結果の評価 ・推進剤タンク圧力制御システムの開発 ・打上げ運用計画(主に機体推進系システムの運用計画)の立案 ・機体の推進系システム、地上プラント設備のモデリングおよび動的挙動の評価 ・ステージ燃焼試験の計画検討および実行、評価 ■加圧供給系(推進系)とは  ロケットにおける加圧供給系(推進系)とは、ロケットエンジン、タンク、搭載電子機器(アビオニクス)などの機能を総合し、ロケット機体の飛行に不可欠な推進力を適切に発揮させる機能を司る機能の開発に責任を持っています。  ロケットの打上げやステージ燃焼試験などの大規模試験の計画や実施、推進システムに関わる各種システム設計・解析、機体に搭載する各種装備品・コンポーネントの設計・開発といった、コンポーネント設計から運用まで幅広い領域を担当しています。

01【開発部】推進系 機械設計(大樹/東京)

■業務内容 ・推進系※の概念設計、および構成コンポーネントの設計要件定義 ・推進系の開発・検証計画立案、および設計評価 (周囲の関係者と協議を積極的に行いながら業務を進めていただきます) ※ 推進系:推進剤、推進剤タンク、推進剤供給・加圧配管、バルブなどで構成される、ロケットエンジンに推進剤を供給する機能を持つシステムの総称
01【開発部】推進系 機械設計(大樹/東京)

01【開発部】推進系 解析(帯広/東京)

■業務内容 ・ロケットエンジン開発におけるエンジン全体、コンポーネント設計検討に関する解析検討(熱流体・構造・振動応答解析)と評価業務 ※周囲の関係者と解析条件等の協議を積極的に行いながら業務を進めていただきます ・上記に関連する研究活動
01【開発部】推進系 解析(帯広/東京)


■仕事内容 ・システム要求に基づいた、機体構造の設計 ・検証計画の策定 ・解析や試験での設計結果の評価 ・開発におけるスケジュール管理や社内外での調整業務 ■構造グループのミッション 構造グループでは、ロケットの機体構造の開発を担当しています。 「衛星搭載部・推進剤タンク・胴体構造・エンジン支持構造」といったコンポーネントに対し、開発計画の立案から設計・解析・試験まで、一気通貫で開発を進めています。 ■業務内容について、下記の資料もご覧ください。 https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBPLzQgsQ/ABqLHmWJxrN-aeeAzKM48w/view?utm_content=DAGBPLzQgsQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor


■仕事内容 ・ロケット機体構造の強度剛性解析。(静強度解析、座屈解析、固有値解析など) ・評価結果に基づく機体構造の最適化設計。 ・実試験結果との比較・検証を通じた設計フィードバック。 ・解析環境の整備および新しい解析技術の取り込み。


■仕事内容 ※ご経験/スキル/志向に応じて、下記いずれかの領域において業務をお任せします。 ・機体構造部品、高圧容器の仕様検討から設計開発 ・機体形状/フェアリング形状の仕様検討から設計開発 ・配管、バルブ等艤装系の仕様検討から設計開発 ・ターボポンプシステムの仕様検討から設計開発 ・機構系部品/アクチュエータ機器の仕様検討から設計開発 ※自動車/船舶などのモビリティにおけるボディ、シャシー、パワートレイン、バルブ、配管、ポンプ、高圧ガス・液体燃料を扱うプラント設備の機構・機械設計経験をロケット開発に活かしていける環境です。

01【開発部】機構系 機械設計(東京)

■仕事内容 ・ロケットの機器配置設計およびメカトロニクス部品の機械系設計
01【開発部】機構系 機械設計(東京)


■仕事内容 ・ロケットを管制するための地上局と指令所システムの設計・実装・試験・運用

01【開発部】電装系 設計(東京)

■仕事内容 ・電装設計全般 ・ハーネス設計、機体内ルーティング、基板のコネクタ選定、筐体要件のすり合わせ等
01【開発部】電装系 設計(東京)


人工衛星打ち上げ用ロケットの飛行安全・システム安全について統括し、安全かつ低コストな打ち上げのために必要な設計および申請業務を一任します。 ■具体的な仕事内容(一例) ・ロケットシステムの安全性・信頼性の評価 ・プロジェクト室と連携し、技術目標、スケジュール、コストのバランス調整 ・安全審査資料、技術文書、計画書、仕様書、検証資料の作成 ■システムグループのミッション  システムグループは、打ち上げミッションを確実に達成するためにロケットが持つべき機能・性能を定め、また設計・製造されたロケットが全体として要求された機能・性能を満たしているか検証することに対して責任を持っています。  液体ロケットシステムを構成する要素は、エンジン・タンク・制御機構・機体構造・アビオニクス・無線通信系など非常に多岐にわたります。これらの要素は時として、互いに相反する要求や複雑な設計条件を持っています。さらに、お客様となる人工衛星事業者の要望に応えることや、関連する法規へ適合することも不可欠です。システムグループはこれらの事項を俯瞰的に取りまとめ、全体としてロケットの性能が最適となるようコンポーネントの設計者と協力して機体の仕様決定や機能・性能の検証をしています。


これまで研究された分野、経験に応じて担当部署との選考を設定いたします。 募集している職種は中途採用求人を参照ください。 ※選考プロセスの中で、短期のインターンにご参加いただく可能性があります。