4.プロダクト開発 の求人一覧 - Micoworks株式会社
[業務委託]TECH-ENG-24.Full Stack Engineer (TypeScript)
## 役割とグレード
役割:フルスタックエンジニア(Full Stack Developer)
## 私たちについて
- WOW THE CUSTOMER(顧客に感動を届ける)
- SMART SPEED(賢くスピーディーに行動する)
- OPEN MIND(常にオープンマインドである)
- ALL FOR ONE(ひとつのチームとして行動する)
## 主な業務内容
- MicoCloudの配信インフラの安定化
- 新機能開発
- 顧客要望を踏まえた開発
- 改善活動
プロダクトバックログ項目の解決、UI/UXの改善、DX(Developer eXperience:開発者体験)の向上や促進など、新規顧客および既存顧客の現場ニーズに対応します。
## Micoworksで働く魅力
## サービス概要
- MicoCloudは、B2Cビジネスを対象にしたプラットフォームを提供しています。顧客情報を一元管理し、メッセージングプラットフォームを介したコミュニケーションを支援しています。
- 収集した顧客データを1stパーティーデータとして分析することで、顧客へのパーソナライズされたコミュニケーションや情報提供を可能にし、顧客のロイヤリティ向上および売上拡大を実現します。
- 現在、MicoCloudはマーケティングツールとして顧客獲得とエンゲージメントを支援するだけでなく、獲得後の顧客との1対1のコミュニケーションの質を向上させ、LTV(顧客生涯価値)の最大化にも貢献しています。
- 当プラットフォームはメッセージングだけでなく、マルチチャネル戦略にも対応しています。「ビジョン2030」に基づき、「アジアNo.1ブランドエンパワーメント企業」を目指し、グローバル市場を意識した事業展開を推進しています。
## 私たちが取り組む課題
- 会話型コマース市場におけるリーダーシップの確立
- 会話型コマースで効果を出すためには、散発的な施策では不十分です。MicoCloudは企業と消費者間のコミュニケーションを統合・分析・改善することで、企業がオンラインマーケティング施策を個別最適化できるよう支援しています。
- マーケティング業務の効率化
- MicoCloudを通じてマーケティング業務の効率化を図り、企業がクリエイティブな業務に集中できるよう支援するとともに、消費者にとってより快適でシームレスな購買体験を提供する世界の実現を目指します。
◼︎「成長市場 × 成長企業」
- 会話型コマース(C-commerce)市場は世界で約30兆円規模を誇り、2025年までに一部の国ではEコマース市場を超えると予測されています。
- マーケティングSaaS分野において、わずか2年で事業成長率500%を達成。
- 総額63億円の資金調達に成功(シリーズBラウンド:35億円)。
- 日本国内において、LINEマーケティング分野でNo.1のポジションを確立。
- あらゆる企業の可能性を拡げ、ブランドと消費者がより豊かな生活を送れる未来を創造することを使命としています。
- 「WOW THE CUSTOMER」の文化を通じて、顧客が抱える本質的な課題に向き合い、期待を超える成果を提供することを重視しています。
- 経営陣やチームは「OPEN MIND」の精神を体現しており、全てのレベルでオープンで受容的なコミュニケーションが行われています。
- 「ALL FOR ONE」の精神を強く持ち、社内外問わずチームメンバー同士が「ギバー(与える人)のマインド」を中心に据え、緊密な協力をしています。
- 高いモチベーションを持った仲間に囲まれ、日々刺激を受けながら、自らの成長やキャリア形成を実現できる環境です。
CEO 山田:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
COO 八重樫:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
VPoP 小越:https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
Director 駒原:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n135416ca8469
・Webバックエンド:TypeScript(Nest.js), 一部Java(Spring Boot)
・Webフロントエンド:TypeScript(Next.js), Chakra UI
・データベース:TiDB, Aurora MySQL, MemoryDB for Redis
・インフラ:AWS, IaC
・ミドルウェア:Nginx, Supervisor
・モニタリング:NewRelic, Sentry, AWS(CloudWatch)
・データ分析:BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, Metabase, Trocco
・CI:GitHub Actions, Amplify Hosting
・コミュニケーション:Google Meet, Slack, Notion, Redmine, Jira, ClickUp
TECH-ENG-16.Bilingual Senior Full Stack Engineer (PHP)_Tokyo Dev
You will be involved in the development and operation of our proprietary product, which has a long track record and is used by numerous customers. Your mission will be to maintain the system's stable operation while continuously improving it to make the service more user-friendly for a wider audience. This position involves enhancing the quality of the current product and addressing technical challenges.
You will work on challenges specific to communication domains, such as handling large-scale data (e.g., chat log data exceeding 100 million records) and designing and operating systems capable of withstanding loads from tens of thousands to millions of users accessing and distributing data.
Our company has established a global development framework, and collaboration with engineers at our Japan, India, and Philippines offices is currently accelerating.
As a result, there is a growing need for a bilingual (Japanese and English) Engineer who can lead product development effectively.
▪️Key Attractions of the Role
- Direct Contribution to the Customer Base
Our product has a long history and is trusted by numerous customers, providing a unique opportunity to receive direct feedback through daily operations. You will experience the fulfillment of maintaining customer trust and contributing to improving service quality.
- Developing Problem-Solving Skills
You will face technically demanding challenges related to product performance, giving you the chance to refine your ability to identify optimal solutions. This environment allows you to further enhance your problem-solving skills while improving the overall performance and scalability of the product.
- Autonomy and Proactive Engagement
Engineers in this role enjoy a high degree of autonomy, with the freedom to propose and implement technical approaches and improvements. You will have the opportunity to design and execute optimal solutions based on customer needs and product requirements, enabling you to grow your technical expertise and build a strong portfolio of accomplishments.
------The Appeal of Micoworks------
Micoworks has set an ambitious goal: to become No. 1 in Asia by 2030, with a clear vision for global expansion. Achieving this goal requires tackling numerous challenges and overcoming obstacles.
We provide an environment where you can fully leverage your skills and experience. At Micoworks, everyone is encouraged to take ownership and lead, making our culture of individual initiative and empowerment one of our greatest strengths.
< Our Service >
- MicoCloud offers a platform that supports B2C businesses by managing customer information and facilitating communication via a messaging platform.
- By collecting and analyzing customer data as 1st-party data, the platform enables personalized communication and information delivery, fostering customer loyalty and driving revenue growth for businesses.
- Currently, MicoCloud not only supports customer acquisition and engagement as a marketing tool but also enhances one-on-one communication quality post-acquisition, contributing to the maximization of LTV (Lifetime Value).
- The platform extends beyond messaging to embrace a multi-channel strategy. With "Vision2030," we aim to become "Asia’s No.1 Brand Empowerment Company," driving business development with a focus on the global market.
< Challenges We Address >
- Leadership in the Conversational Commerce MarketIn the rapidly growing conversational commerce (C-commerce) market, especially in Asia, MicoCloud is striving to become the leading solution.
- Effective results in C-commerce require more than scattershot strategies. By unifying, analyzing, and improving communication between businesses and consumers, MicoCloud enables businesses to optimize their online marketing efforts on an individualized level.
- Streamlining Marketing OperationsMany marketing professionals struggle to dedicate time to strategic tasks due to the burden of daily operations.
- By improving operational efficiency through MicoCloud, we aim to create a world where businesses can focus on creative work while providing consumers with more enjoyable and seamless purchasing experiences.
< The Appeal of Working at Micoworks >
◼︎ A "Growing Market × Growing Company"
- The C-commerce market boasts a global scale of nearly 30 trillion yen, with projections suggesting it will surpass the e-commerce market in some countries by 2025.
- Achieved 500% business growth in just two years in the marketing SaaS domain.
Secured a total of 6.3 billion yen in funding (Series B: 3.5 billion yen).
- Established the No.1 position in LINE marketing within Japan.
◼︎ A Customer-Centric Approach
- Our mission is to expand possibilities for all businesses and create a future where brands and consumers lead richer lives.
- The culture of "WOW THE CUSTOMER" reflects our commitment to addressing customers’ true challenges and delivering results that exceed expectations.
◼︎ The People You Work With
- Our leadership and team embody an "OPEN MIND" approach, fostering open and inclusive communication across all levels.
- Driven by a strong "ALL FOR ONE" spirit, team members work closely together, both internally and externally, with a "Giver Mindset" at the core of our collaboration.
- Surrounded by highly motivated colleagues, you’ll find daily inspiration and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
◆Summary of Micoworks Information◆
--Employee Interviews
- Yamada (CEO) :https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
- Yaegashi (COO):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
- Ogoshi (VPoP) :https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
- Komahara (Director of Engineering):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n135416ca8469
-People Working at Micoworks:https://note.com/micoworks/m/m0bfd9da02e11
--About the Tools, Languages, and Environment
The technical stack varies slightly depending on the product you work on:
- Web Backend: PHP, Laravel
- Web Frontend: Vue.js, Laravel (Blade)
- Database: Aurora MySQL, ElastiCache for Redis
- Infrastructure: AWS, Terraform, CDK, Ansible
- Middleware: Nginx, Supervisor
- Monitoring: NewRelic, AWS (CloudWatch)
- Data Analysis: BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Metabase, Trocco, Snowflake
- Development Environment: Docker
- CI: GitHub Actions
- CDN: CloudFront
- Source Code Management: GitHub
- Communication Tools: Google Meet, Slack, Notion, Redmine
- AI Development Support: GitHub Copilot, CodeRabbit, ChatGPT, Claude
TECH-ENG-17.Bilingual Mid-level Full Stack Engineer (PHP)_Tokyo Dev
You will be involved in the development and operation of our proprietary product, which has a long track record and is used by numerous customers. Your mission will be to maintain the system's stable operation while continuously improving it to make the service more user-friendly for a wider audience. This position involves enhancing the quality of the current product and addressing technical challenges.
You will work on challenges specific to communication domains, such as handling large-scale data (e.g., chat log data exceeding 100 million records) and designing and operating systems capable of withstanding loads from tens of thousands to millions of users accessing and distributing data.
Our company has established a global development framework, and collaboration with engineers at our Japan, India, and Philippines offices is currently accelerating.
As a result, there is a growing need for a bilingual (Japanese and English) Engineer who can lead product development effectively.
▪️Key Attractions of the Role
- Direct Contribution to the Customer Base
Our product has a long history and is trusted by numerous customers, providing a unique opportunity to receive direct feedback through daily operations. You will experience the fulfillment of maintaining customer trust and contributing to improving service quality.
- Developing Problem-Solving Skills
You will face technically demanding challenges related to product performance, giving you the chance to refine your ability to identify optimal solutions. This environment allows you to further enhance your problem-solving skills while improving the overall performance and scalability of the product.
- Autonomy and Proactive Engagement
Engineers in this role enjoy a high degree of autonomy, with the freedom to propose and implement technical approaches and improvements. You will have the opportunity to design and execute optimal solutions based on customer needs and product requirements, enabling you to grow your technical expertise and build a strong portfolio of accomplishments.
------The Appeal of Micoworks------
Micoworks has set an ambitious goal: to become No. 1 in Asia by 2030, with a clear vision for global expansion. Achieving this goal requires tackling numerous challenges and overcoming obstacles.
We provide an environment where you can fully leverage your skills and experience. At Micoworks, everyone is encouraged to take ownership and lead, making our culture of individual initiative and empowerment one of our greatest strengths.
< Our Service >
- MicoCloud offers a platform that supports B2C businesses by managing customer information and facilitating communication via a messaging platform.
- By collecting and analyzing customer data as 1st-party data, the platform enables personalized communication and information delivery, fostering customer loyalty and driving revenue growth for businesses.
- Currently, MicoCloud not only supports customer acquisition and engagement as a marketing tool but also enhances one-on-one communication quality post-acquisition, contributing to the maximization of LTV (Lifetime Value).
- The platform extends beyond messaging to embrace a multi-channel strategy. With "Vision2030," we aim to become "Asia’s No.1 Brand Empowerment Company," driving business development with a focus on the global market.
< Challenges We Address >
- Leadership in the Conversational Commerce MarketIn the rapidly growing conversational commerce (C-commerce) market, especially in Asia, MicoCloud is striving to become the leading solution.
- Effective results in C-commerce require more than scattershot strategies. By unifying, analyzing, and improving communication between businesses and consumers, MicoCloud enables businesses to optimize their online marketing efforts on an individualized level.
- Streamlining Marketing OperationsMany marketing professionals struggle to dedicate time to strategic tasks due to the burden of daily operations.
- By improving operational efficiency through MicoCloud, we aim to create a world where businesses can focus on creative work while providing consumers with more enjoyable and seamless purchasing experiences.
< The Appeal of Working at Micoworks >
◼︎ A "Growing Market × Growing Company"
- The C-commerce market boasts a global scale of nearly 30 trillion yen, with projections suggesting it will surpass the e-commerce market in some countries by 2025.
- Achieved 500% business growth in just two years in the marketing SaaS domain.
Secured a total of 6.3 billion yen in funding (Series B: 3.5 billion yen).
- Established the No.1 position in LINE marketing within Japan.
◼︎ A Customer-Centric Approach
- Our mission is to expand possibilities for all businesses and create a future where brands and consumers lead richer lives.
- The culture of "WOW THE CUSTOMER" reflects our commitment to addressing customers’ true challenges and delivering results that exceed expectations.
◼︎ The People You Work With
- Our leadership and team embody an "OPEN MIND" approach, fostering open and inclusive communication across all levels.
- Driven by a strong "ALL FOR ONE" spirit, team members work closely together, both internally and externally, with a "Giver Mindset" at the core of our collaboration.
- Surrounded by highly motivated colleagues, you’ll find daily inspiration and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
◆Summary of Micoworks Information◆
--Employee Interviews
- Yamada (CEO) :https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
- Yaegashi (COO):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
- Ogoshi (VPoP) :https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
- Komahara (Director of Engineering):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n135416ca8469
-People Working at Micoworks:https://note.com/micoworks/m/m0bfd9da02e11
--About the Tools, Languages, and Environment
The technical stack varies slightly depending on the product you work on:
- Web Backend: PHP, Laravel
- Web Frontend: Vue.js, Laravel (Blade)
- Database: Aurora MySQL, ElastiCache for Redis
- Infrastructure: AWS, Terraform, CDK, Ansible
- Middleware: Nginx, Supervisor
- Monitoring: NewRelic, AWS (CloudWatch)
- Data Analysis: BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Metabase, Trocco, Snowflake
- Development Environment: Docker
- CI: GitHub Actions
- CDN: CloudFront
- Source Code Management: GitHub
- Communication Tools: Google Meet, Slack, Notion, Redmine
- AI Development Support: GitHub Copilot, CodeRabbit, ChatGPT, Claude
- 顧客が増え、顧客規模も大きくなり、よりスケーラブルなシステムにしないといけない
- 扱うデータ量も増える一方で、活用シーンを増やさなければならない
- アジア展開していくには、開発チームもグローバル化していかなければならない
- AIを活用し、MachineLearningで配信をより効率化していかなければならない
- 技術的な進化でMRRに寄与しながら成長していく環境つくりが必要になっている
- 「MicoCloud」の配信基盤安定化
- 新規機能開発
- プロダクトアップデート
- 大量データ・ハイトラフィックでスケーラブルなシステムの開発・運用経験
- AI / MLを活用した配信システムの開発・運用経験(今後のリリース予定プロダクト)
- ReArchitectureを推進するタスクフォースで新たな技術へのチャレンジが可能です
▼▽▼▽ Micoworksの魅力▽▼▽▼
・カバーする顧客接点もメッセージングプラットフォームだけでなく、マルチチャネル化を図っており、Vision2030として「Asia No.1 Brand Empowerment Company」を掲げ、グローバル市場の開拓を見据えた事業開発を進めています。
・ 世界で30兆円近い市場規模があり、特定の国では25年にEC市場を抜く予測があるCコマース市場
・ マーケティングSaaS領域において2年間で500%の事業成長を実現
・ 累計63億円(シリーズB:35億円)の資金調達を実現
・【WOW THE CUSTOMER お客様の真の課題に向き合い、成果で驚かせよう】といカルチャーが体現されている
・ボードメンバーを筆頭に「OPEN MIND」な人が多く、分け隔てないコミュニケーションが活発に行われています。
・「ALL FOR ONE」精神が強く、「Giverなマインド」を持ったメンバーがチーム内外で密に連携しながら業務を進めています。
CEO 山田:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
COO 八重樫:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
VPoP 小越:https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
Director 駒原:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n135416ca8469
・Webバックエンド:TypeScript(Nest.js), 一部Java(Spring Boot)
・Webフロントエンド:TypeScript(Next.js), Chakra UI
・データベース:TiDB, Aurora MySQL, MemoryDB for Redis
・インフラ:AWS, IaC
・ミドルウェア:Nginx, Supervisor
・モニタリング:NewRelic, Sentry, AWS(CloudWatch)
・データ分析:BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, Metabase, Trocco
・CI:GitHub Actions, Amplify Hosting
・コミュニケーション:Google Meet, Slack, Notion, Redmine, Jira, ClickUp
TECH-ENG-19.Bilingual Lead Full Stack Engineer (TypeScript)_Tokyo Dev
--Role & Grade
Role: Full Stack Lead
Grade: Tech Lead
Micoworks is a company with a clear mission: to Empower every brand for the better future.
This ambitious goal sets the stage for their vision and core values.
Who we are
By 2030, Micoworks aims to be the Asia No.1 Brand Empowerment Company.
This mid-term goal outlines their dedication to becoming the leading force in empowering brands across Asia.
To achieve their mission and vision, Micoworks identifies four key values that guide their work:
Micoworks' mission, vision, and values paint a picture of a company dedicated to empowering brands, working with agility and open-mindedness, and prioritising customer success.
--Key Responsibilities
As a Full Stack Lead Engineer, you will lead or play a central role in MicoCloud's development team.
In this role, you will be involved in the following
- Stabilization of MicoCloud's distribution infrastructure. You will be responsible for developing an infrastructure that enables reliable distribution even for clients with a large number of users.
- Development of new functions: Develop functions to improve product value in line with the product roadmap.
- Customer Request Development: Develop functions that are generalized and likely to be in demand among the requests that emerge from Customer Success activities.
- Improvement Activities: Resolve Product Backlog Items, improve UI/UX, enhance and promote DX (Developer eXperience), etc. in response to daily needs from new/existing customers.
------The Appeal of Micoworks------
Micoworks has set an ambitious goal: to become No. 1 in Asia by 2030, with a clear vision for global expansion. Achieving this goal requires tackling numerous challenges and overcoming obstacles.
We provide an environment where you can fully leverage your skills and experience. At Micoworks, everyone is encouraged to take ownership and lead, making our culture of individual initiative and empowerment one of our greatest strengths.
< Our Service >
- MicoCloud offers a platform that supports B2C businesses by managing customer information and facilitating communication via a messaging platform.
- By collecting and analyzing customer data as 1st-party data, the platform enables personalized communication and information delivery, fostering customer loyalty and driving revenue growth for businesses.
- Currently, MicoCloud not only supports customer acquisition and engagement as a marketing tool but also enhances one-on-one communication quality post-acquisition, contributing to the maximization of LTV (Lifetime Value).
- The platform extends beyond messaging to embrace a multi-channel strategy. With "Vision2030," we aim to become "Asia’s No.1 Brand Empowerment Company," driving business development with a focus on the global market.
< Challenges We Address >
- Leadership in the Conversational Commerce MarketIn the rapidly growing conversational commerce (C-commerce) market, especially in Asia, MicoCloud is striving to become the leading solution.
- Effective results in C-commerce require more than scattershot strategies. By unifying, analyzing, and improving communication between businesses and consumers, MicoCloud enables businesses to optimize their online marketing efforts on an individualized level.
- Streamlining Marketing OperationsMany marketing professionals struggle to dedicate time to strategic tasks due to the burden of daily operations.
- By improving operational efficiency through MicoCloud, we aim to create a world where businesses can focus on creative work while providing consumers with more enjoyable and seamless purchasing experiences.
< The Appeal of Working at Micoworks >
◼︎ A "Growing Market × Growing Company"
- The C-commerce market boasts a global scale of nearly 30 trillion yen, with projections suggesting it will surpass the e-commerce market in some countries by 2025.
- Achieved 500% business growth in just two years in the marketing SaaS domain.
Secured a total of 6.3 billion yen in funding (Series B: 3.5 billion yen).
- Established the No.1 position in LINE marketing within Japan.
◼︎ A Customer-Centric Approach
- Our mission is to expand possibilities for all businesses and create a future where brands and consumers lead richer lives.
- The culture of "WOW THE CUSTOMER" reflects our commitment to addressing customers’ true challenges and delivering results that exceed expectations.
◼︎ The People You Work With
- Our leadership and team embody an "OPEN MIND" approach, fostering open and inclusive communication across all levels.
- Driven by a strong "ALL FOR ONE" spirit, team members work closely together, both internally and externally, with a "Giver Mindset" at the core of our collaboration.
- Surrounded by highly motivated colleagues, you’ll find daily inspiration and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
◆Summary of Micoworks Information◆
--Employee Interviews
- Yamada (CEO) :https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
- Yaegashi (COO):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
- Ogoshi (VPoP) :https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
- Komahara (Director of Engineering):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n135416ca8469
-People Working at Micoworks:https://note.com/micoworks/m/m0bfd9da02e11
--Our tech stack
- Web backend: TypeScript (Nest.js), React
- Web front end: TypeScript (Next.js), Chakra UI
- Databases: TiDB, Aurora MySQL, DynamoDB, MemoryDB for Redis, Snowflake
- Common Infrastructure Infrastructure: AWS (Cognito, EC2, ECS, Route53, Lambda, Kinesis Data Stream, Kinesis Firehose, SQS, SES, Elasticache, RDS, CloudWatch, IAM, Audit, APIGateway CodeDeploy), IaC (Terraform, AWS CDK)
- Middleware: Nginx, Supervisor Monitoring: NewRelic, Sentry, AWS (CloudWatch)
- Data analysis: BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, Metabase, Trocco
- Environment construction: Docker
- CI: GitHub Actions, Amplify Hosting
- CDN: Cloud Front
- Source code management: GitHub
- Communication: Google Meet, Slack, Notion, Redmine, Jira, ClickUp
TECH-ENG-20.Bilingual Full Stack Engineer (TypeScript)_Tokyo Dev
--Role & Grade
Role: Full Stack Developer
Grade: Senior Software Engineer
Micoworks is a company with a clear mission: to Empower every brand for the better future.
This ambitious goal sets the stage for their vision and core values.
Who we are
By 2030, Micoworks aims to be the Asia No.1 Brand Empowerment Company.
This mid-term goal outlines their dedication to becoming the leading force in empowering brands across Asia.
To achieve their mission and vision, Micoworks identifies four key values that guide their work:
Micoworks' mission, vision, and values paint a picture of a company dedicated to empowering brands, working with agility and open-mindedness, and prioritising customer success.
--Key Responsibilities
As a Full Stack Lead Engineer, you will lead or play a central role in MicoCloud's development team.
In this role, you will be involved in the following
- Stabilization of MicoCloud's distribution infrastructure. You will be responsible for developing an infrastructure that enables reliable distribution even for clients with a large number of users.
- Development of new functions: Develop functions to improve product value in line with the product roadmap.
- Customer Request Development: Develop functions that are generalized and likely to be in demand among the requests that emerge from Customer Success activities.
- Improvement Activities: Resolve Product Backlog Items, improve UI/UX, enhance and promote DX (Developer eXperience), etc. in response to daily needs from new/existing customers.
------The Appeal of Micoworks------
Micoworks has set an ambitious goal: to become No. 1 in Asia by 2030, with a clear vision for global expansion. Achieving this goal requires tackling numerous challenges and overcoming obstacles.
We provide an environment where you can fully leverage your skills and experience. At Micoworks, everyone is encouraged to take ownership and lead, making our culture of individual initiative and empowerment one of our greatest strengths.
< Our Service >
- MicoCloud offers a platform that supports B2C businesses by managing customer information and facilitating communication via a messaging platform.
- By collecting and analyzing customer data as 1st-party data, the platform enables personalized communication and information delivery, fostering customer loyalty and driving revenue growth for businesses.
- Currently, MicoCloud not only supports customer acquisition and engagement as a marketing tool but also enhances one-on-one communication quality post-acquisition, contributing to the maximization of LTV (Lifetime Value).
- The platform extends beyond messaging to embrace a multi-channel strategy. With "Vision2030," we aim to become "Asia’s No.1 Brand Empowerment Company," driving business development with a focus on the global market.
< Challenges We Address >
- Leadership in the Conversational Commerce MarketIn the rapidly growing conversational commerce (C-commerce) market, especially in Asia, MicoCloud is striving to become the leading solution.
- Effective results in C-commerce require more than scattershot strategies. By unifying, analyzing, and improving communication between businesses and consumers, MicoCloud enables businesses to optimize their online marketing efforts on an individualized level.
- Streamlining Marketing OperationsMany marketing professionals struggle to dedicate time to strategic tasks due to the burden of daily operations.
- By improving operational efficiency through MicoCloud, we aim to create a world where businesses can focus on creative work while providing consumers with more enjoyable and seamless purchasing experiences.
< The Appeal of Working at Micoworks >
◼︎ A "Growing Market × Growing Company"
- The C-commerce market boasts a global scale of nearly 30 trillion yen, with projections suggesting it will surpass the e-commerce market in some countries by 2025.
- Achieved 500% business growth in just two years in the marketing SaaS domain.
Secured a total of 6.3 billion yen in funding (Series B: 3.5 billion yen).
- Established the No.1 position in LINE marketing within Japan.
◼︎ A Customer-Centric Approach
- Our mission is to expand possibilities for all businesses and create a future where brands and consumers lead richer lives.
- The culture of "WOW THE CUSTOMER" reflects our commitment to addressing customers’ true challenges and delivering results that exceed expectations.
◼︎ The People You Work With
- Our leadership and team embody an "OPEN MIND" approach, fostering open and inclusive communication across all levels.
- Driven by a strong "ALL FOR ONE" spirit, team members work closely together, both internally and externally, with a "Giver Mindset" at the core of our collaboration.
- Surrounded by highly motivated colleagues, you’ll find daily inspiration and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
◆Summary of Micoworks Information◆
--Employee Interviews
- Yamada (CEO) :https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
- Yaegashi (COO):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
- Ogoshi (VPoP) :https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
- Komahara (Director of Engineering):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n135416ca8469
-People Working at Micoworks:https://note.com/micoworks/m/m0bfd9da02e11
--Our tech stack
- Web backend: TypeScript (Nest.js), React
- Web front end: TypeScript (Next.js), Chakra UI
- Databases: TiDB, Aurora MySQL, DynamoDB, MemoryDB for Redis, Snowflake
- Common Infrastructure Infrastructure: AWS (Cognito, EC2, ECS, Route53, Lambda, Kinesis Data Stream, Kinesis Firehose, SQS, SES, Elasticache, RDS, CloudWatch, IAM, Audit, APIGateway CodeDeploy), IaC (Terraform, AWS CDK)
- Middleware: Nginx, Supervisor Monitoring: NewRelic, Sentry, AWS (CloudWatch)
- Data analysis: BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, Metabase, Trocco
- Environment construction: Docker
- CI: GitHub Actions, Amplify Hosting
- CDN: Cloud Front
- Source code management: GitHub
- Communication: Google Meet, Slack, Notion, Redmine, Jira, ClickUp
多数の顧客に利用され、長年の実績を持つ自社プロダクトの開発 / 運用に関わっていただきます。システムの安定稼働を守りながら、より多くのユーザーにとって使いやすいサービスへと改善し続けることがミッションです。現行プロダクトの品質向上や技術的な課題解決を担っていただきます。
▼▽▼▽ Micoworksの魅力▽▼▽▼
・カバーする顧客接点もメッセージングプラットフォームだけでなく、マルチチャネル化を図っており、Vision2030として「Asia No.1 Brand Empowerment Company」を掲げ、グローバル市場の開拓を見据えた事業開発を進めています。
・ 世界で30兆円近い市場規模があり、特定の国では25年にEC市場を抜く予測があるCコマース市場
・ マーケティングSaaS領域において2年間で500%の事業成長を実現
・ 累計63億円(シリーズB:35億円)の資金調達を実現
・【WOW THE CUSTOMER お客様の真の課題に向き合い、成果で驚かせよう】といカルチャーが体現されている
・ボードメンバーを筆頭に「OPEN MIND」な人が多く、分け隔てないコミュニケーションが活発に行われています。
・「ALL FOR ONE」精神が強く、「Giverなマインド」を持ったメンバーがチーム内外で密に連携しながら業務を進めています。
CEO 山田:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
COO 八重樫:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
VPoP 小越:https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
・Webバックエンド:PHP, Laravel
・Webフロントエンド:Vue.js, Laravel(blade)
・データベース:Aurora MySQL, ElastiCache for Redis
・インフラ:AWS, Terraform, CDK, Ansible
・ミドルウェア:Nginx, Supervisor
・モニタリング:NewRelic, AWS(CloudWatch)
・データ分析:BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Metabase, Trocco, Snowflake
・CI:GitHub Actions
・コミュニケーション:Google Meet, Slack, Notion, Redmine
・AI開発支援:GitHub Copilot, CodeRabbit, ChatGPT, Claude
多数の顧客に利用され、長年の実績を持つ自社プロダクトの開発 / 運用に関わっていただきます。システムの安定稼働を守りながら、より多くのユーザーにとって使いやすいサービスへと改善し続けることがミッションです。現行プロダクトの品質向上や技術的な課題解決を担っていただきます。
▼▽▼▽ Micoworksの魅力▽▼▽▼
・カバーする顧客接点もメッセージングプラットフォームだけでなく、マルチチャネル化を図っており、Vision2030として「Asia No.1 Brand Empowerment Company」を掲げ、グローバル市場の開拓を見据えた事業開発を進めています。
・ 世界で30兆円近い市場規模があり、特定の国では25年にEC市場を抜く予測があるCコマース市場
・ マーケティングSaaS領域において2年間で500%の事業成長を実現
・ 累計63億円(シリーズB:35億円)の資金調達を実現
・【WOW THE CUSTOMER お客様の真の課題に向き合い、成果で驚かせよう】といカルチャーが体現されている
・ボードメンバーを筆頭に「OPEN MIND」な人が多く、分け隔てないコミュニケーションが活発に行われています。
・「ALL FOR ONE」精神が強く、「Giverなマインド」を持ったメンバーがチーム内外で密に連携しながら業務を進めています。
CEO 山田:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
COO 八重樫:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
VPoP 小越:https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
・Webバックエンド:PHP, Laravel
・Webフロントエンド:Vue.js, Laravel(blade)
・データベース:Aurora MySQL, ElastiCache for Redis
・インフラ:AWS, Terraform, CDK, Ansible
・ミドルウェア:Nginx, Supervisor
・モニタリング:NewRelic, AWS(CloudWatch)
・データ分析:BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Metabase, Trocco, Snowflake
・CI:GitHub Actions
・コミュニケーション:Google Meet, Slack, Notion, Redmine
・AI開発支援:GitHub Copilot, CodeRabbit, ChatGPT, Claude
TECH-PM-11.Bilingual Product Manager_Tokyo Dev
Building on the robust customer base of "MicoCloud," which boasts a retention rate exceeding 99%, and a business environment poised for expansion into multiple adjacent domains, you will have the opportunity to focus entirely on creating exceptional products.
This is supported by an organizational framework featuring a sales team with strong proposal planning capabilities and a customer success (CS) team committed to achieving client outcomes.
You will leverage this environment to engage in the development and progress management of either the existing "MicoCloud" product or new product initiatives.
Our company has established a global development framework, and collaboration with engineers at our Japan, India, and Philippines offices is currently accelerating.
As a result, there is a growing need for a bilingual (Japanese and English) Product Manager (PdM) who can lead product development effectively.
-- Responsibilities We Would Like to Entrust to You
We expect you to take charge of identifying and analyzing customer challenges through interviews and quantitative research, and defining "what to create" and "why to create it."
-- The Product Manager (PdM) role at Micoworks encompasses the following three major responsibilities:
▪️Realizing and Driving Business Strategy
- Execution Planning
- Driving tasks based on strategic objectives.
- Promoting development in a high-uncertainty environment.
- Strategic Understanding
- Understanding SaaS strategy.
- Grasping the business (sales) strategy.
▪️Defining ‘What We Should Build’
[New Products]
- Managing the 0→1 product cycle, from identifying customer challenges to conceptualizing new products (why, what), breaking them down into
- MVPs, and planning Go-to-Market strategies. (Note: We’ll discuss our current concepts and ideas during the interview process.)
[Existing Products]
- Creating product roadmaps and planning, implementing, and launching new features to strengthen our competitive Moat.
▪️Managing Product Quality
- Managing 1→10 and 10→100 product growth to amplify the value provided by the product.
- When necessary, engaging in hiring, team building, and coordinating with stakeholders to support product development efforts.
------The Appeal of Micoworks------
Micoworks has set an ambitious goal: to become No. 1 in Asia by 2030, with a clear vision for global expansion. Achieving this goal requires tackling numerous challenges and overcoming obstacles.
We provide an environment where you can fully leverage your skills and experience. At Micoworks, everyone is encouraged to take ownership and lead, making our culture of individual initiative and empowerment one of our greatest strengths.
< Our Service >
- MicoCloud offers a platform that supports B2C businesses by managing customer information and facilitating communication via a messaging platform.
- By collecting and analyzing customer data as 1st-party data, the platform enables personalized communication and information delivery, fostering customer loyalty and driving revenue growth for businesses.
- Currently, MicoCloud not only supports customer acquisition and engagement as a marketing tool but also enhances one-on-one communication quality post-acquisition, contributing to the maximization of LTV (Lifetime Value).
- The platform extends beyond messaging to embrace a multi-channel strategy. With "Vision2030," we aim to become "Asia’s No.1 Brand Empowerment Company," driving business development with a focus on the global market.
< Challenges We Address >
- Leadership in the Conversational Commerce MarketIn the rapidly growing conversational commerce (C-commerce) market, especially in Asia, MicoCloud is striving to become the leading solution.
- Effective results in C-commerce require more than scattershot strategies. By unifying, analyzing, and improving communication between businesses and consumers, MicoCloud enables businesses to optimize their online marketing efforts on an individualized level.
- Streamlining Marketing OperationsMany marketing professionals struggle to dedicate time to strategic tasks due to the burden of daily operations.
- By improving operational efficiency through MicoCloud, we aim to create a world where businesses can focus on creative work while providing consumers with more enjoyable and seamless purchasing experiences.
< The Appeal of Working at Micoworks >
◼︎ A "Growing Market × Growing Company"
- The C-commerce market boasts a global scale of nearly 30 trillion yen, with projections suggesting it will surpass the e-commerce market in some countries by 2025.
- Achieved 500% business growth in just two years in the marketing SaaS domain.
Secured a total of 6.3 billion yen in funding (Series B: 3.5 billion yen).
- Established the No.1 position in LINE marketing within Japan.
◼︎ A Customer-Centric Approach
- Our mission is to expand possibilities for all businesses and create a future where brands and consumers lead richer lives.
- The culture of "WOW THE CUSTOMER" reflects our commitment to addressing customers’ true challenges and delivering results that exceed expectations.
◼︎ The People You Work With
- Our leadership and team embody an "OPEN MIND" approach, fostering open and inclusive communication across all levels.
- Driven by a strong "ALL FOR ONE" spirit, team members work closely together, both internally and externally, with a "Giver Mindset" at the core of our collaboration.
- Surrounded by highly motivated colleagues, you’ll find daily inspiration and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
◆Summary of Micoworks Information◆
--Employee Interviews
- Yamada (CEO) :https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
- Yaegashi (COO):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
- Ogoshi (VPoP) :https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
- Komahara (Director of Engineering):https://note.com/micoworks/n/n135416ca8469
-People Working at Micoworks:https://note.com/micoworks/m/m0bfd9da02e11
--Our tech stack
- Web backend: TypeScript (Nest.js), React
- Web front end: TypeScript (Next.js), Chakra UI
- Databases: TiDB, Aurora MySQL, DynamoDB, MemoryDB for Redis, Snowflake
- Common Infrastructure Infrastructure: AWS (Cognito, EC2, ECS, Route53, Lambda, Kinesis Data Stream, Kinesis Firehose, SQS, SES, Elasticache, RDS, CloudWatch, IAM, Audit, APIGateway CodeDeploy), IaC (Terraform, AWS CDK)
- Middleware: Nginx, Supervisor Monitoring: NewRelic, Sentry, AWS (CloudWatch)
- Data analysis: BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, Metabase, Trocco
- Environment construction: Docker
- CI: GitHub Actions, Amplify Hosting
- CDN: Cloud Front
- Source code management: GitHub
- Communication: Google Meet, Slack, Notion, Redmine, Jira, ClickUp
1. 経営戦略を実現・推進する
- 戦略に基づいたタスクの推進
- 不確実性の高い環境下での開発推進
- 戦略理解
- SaaS戦略の理解
- 事業(営業)戦略の理解
- 顧客の課題探索から、新規プロダクトの構想(why, what)、MVPへの落とし込み、Go to marketの企画といった0→1のプロダクトマネジメント。
- プロダクトロードマップの策定、Moatの強化に向けた新規機能の企画、実装、ローンチの推進
3. プロダクトの品質をマネージする
プロダクトの提供価値を増幅させる1→10, 10→100のプロダクトマネジメント。
- 人員の採用、組織作り、ステークホルダーとの調整など、プロダクトつくりに必要な取り組みも必要な場合には行って頂きます。
▼▽▼▽ Micoworksの魅力▽▼▽▼
・カバーする顧客接点もメッセージングプラットフォームだけでなく、マルチチャネル化を図っており、Vision2030として「Asia No.1 Brand Empowerment Company」を掲げ、グローバル市場の開拓を見据えた事業開発を進めています。
・ 世界で30兆円近い市場規模があり、特定の国では25年にEC市場を抜く予測があるCコマース市場
・ マーケティングSaaS領域において2年間で500%の事業成長を実現
・ 累計63億円(シリーズB:35億円)の資金調達を実現
・【WOW THE CUSTOMER お客様の真の課題に向き合い、成果で驚かせよう】といカルチャーが体現されている
・ボードメンバーを筆頭に「OPEN MIND」な人が多く、分け隔てないコミュニケーションが活発に行われています。
・「ALL FOR ONE」精神が強く、「Giverなマインド」を持ったメンバーがチーム内外で密に連携しながら業務を進めています。
CEO 山田:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
COO 八重樫:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427
VPoP 小越:https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
- 弊社プロダクト「MicoCloud」に関する深い知識を有した上で、お客様の課題に対してソリューションを提案します。各メンバーが担当案件のプロジェクトマネージャーとして業務を遂行します
- セールス、CS等からの新規・既存案件に関する各種エンジニアリング要件に対して、お客様とのミーティングに出席してお客様のご要望、およびお客様のシステム環境についてヒアリングを行います
- ヒアリングした内容に基づきデータ連携の要件定義、各種調査・技術検証等を行い提案内容の実現性を担保しながらソリューションを企画・設計し、セールス、CS等と共に、提案書やデモを通じてソリューションをお客様にご提案し成約に繋げます
- 成約した案件について、お客様および社内各部門の関係者と連携し、データ連携の実装(ツール選択、ジョブ設計、変換ルール定義、変換プログラム作成、各種設定 等)、テスト等を進め、本番環境への導入を主導します
- 導入後は、CS、SREと連携し運用安定化と運用・保守体制を構築します
- お客様へのソリューション提案を経て得られた知見を元に、お客様へのより高い価値提供に繋げられる、「MicoCloud」と連携するソリューションの開発を企画、実行します
- 社内外より開発メンバーを集めてプロジェクトチームを組成して開発プロジェクトをマネジメントし、社内各部門と連携してソリューションとして完成させます
- 「MicoCloud」の機能拡張に対する市場ニーズのインプットのため、定期的に担当案件の情報・顧客ニーズを開発チームにフィードバックし、機能拡張要望を行ってプロダクトの進化に貢献します
▼▽▼▽ Micoworksの魅力▽▼▽▼
・カバーする顧客接点もメッセージングプラットフォームだけでなく、マルチチャネル化を図っており、Vision2030として「Asia No.1 Brand Empowerment Company」を掲げ、グローバル市場の開拓を見据えた事業開発を進めています。
・ 世界で30兆円近い市場規模があり、特定の国では25年にEC市場を抜く予測があるCコマース市場
・ マーケティングSaaS領域において2年間で500%の事業成長を実現
・ 累計63億円(シリーズB:35億円)の資金調達を実現
・【WOW THE CUSTOMER お客様の真の課題に向き合い、成果で驚かせよう】といカルチャーが体現されている
・ボードメンバーを筆頭に「OPEN MIND」な人が多く、分け隔てないコミュニケーションが活発に行われています。
・「ALL FOR ONE」精神が強く、「Giverなマインド」を持ったメンバーがチーム内外で密に連携しながら業務を進めています。
CEO 山田:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n3655e51fce61
COO 八重樫:https://note.com/micoworks/n/n6b94e38f8427?magazine_key=m0bfd9da02e11
VPoP 小越:https://www.evange.jp/articles/ogoshi-takahiro
VPoT 緒方:https://note.com/micoworks/n/nd4a9a31186cb