東京大学 松尾・岩澤研究室の2.1_Post-doctorial Researcherの求人
(1) Research and development in one or more of the following areas: (A) Fundamentals and applications of deep representation learning ・New methodologies for deep generative models, optimization algorithms ・Multimodal learning ・Reinforcement learning (Sim2Real, Morphology Agnostic RL) ・Research on the lottery hypothesis (the strong lottery hypothesis) and network structure search (B) Construction and application of large-scale language models ・Construction Method of datasets for building LLM ・Research on adapting LLM to novel tasks (In-Context Learning, Augmented LLM, etc.) ・Research on robot learning using LLM (C) Research and development on the construction and application of world models ・Development of new algorithms for model-based reinforcement learning and model learning ・Research on next-generation simulation technologies (NeRF, Differentiable Physics, ・Research on applications to robotics, automatic driving, etc. (D) Neuro-Inspired Deep Learning ・Research on new computational models for deep learning learned from the neocortex ・Back-propagation Free Algorithm ・Reservoir Computing Matsuo Laboratory is widely engaged in R&D to realize smarter machines and to elucidate the principles of intelligence while putting the main focus on the world model. Examples of research themes are listed above, but we are looking for a wide range of researchers who share the concept of the world model and can proactively set their themes. (2) Other duties ・Writing papers (submission of the results of research to international conferences are encouraged) ・Management of projects related to your research area, including students ・(optional) Joint research projects with companies ・(optional) Several lectures per year 【Special note】 ・We also welcome applications from researchers who wish to conduct research at the Matsuo Lab while planning to apply for the JSPS PD program! (Please contact us by 18:00 on April 21 (Fri.) due to the deadline within the university)
・Expecting to obtain a Doctorial degree by March 2024 ・Experience in research and writing papers on machine learning ・Experience with deep learning libraries such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, JAX, etc.
・Research achievements, including lead papers at top international conferences in related fields (examples below). Machine learning fundamentals: ICLR, ICML, NeurIPS Language: ACL, NAACL, EMNLP Image systems: CVPR, ECCV, ICCV Robotics: IROS, ICRA, RSS, CoRL Artificial intelligence: IJCAI, AAAI ・Those who are interested in education and outreach activities using cutting-edge knowledge. ・Those who are interested in Matsuo Lab's activities in a wide range of fields, such as collaborative research and entrepreneurship utilizing cutting-edge knowledge.
Candidates with ・Research achievements, including lead papers at top international conferences in related fields (see above). ・Interest in educational and outreach activities utilizing cutting-edge knowledge ・Interest in a wide range of Matsuo Lab activities, such as collaborative research and entrepreneurship utilizing cutting-edge knowledge 【Message from Professor Yutaka Matsuo】 ・「Interview (Part 1)」 https://weblab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/laboratoryheadinterview_20220901-1/ ・「Intervirew (Part 2)」 https://weblab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/laboratoryheadinterview_20220901-2/ ー 【Request】 Please submit the following documents. All documents are required. (1) List of research achievements (original papers, review articles, invited lectures, etc.) (2) Major papers (around three) (3) An outline of your research and a description of your future research vision (any format is acceptable) ・After clicking the "応募する" button at the top of the screen, please upload the files to the "Other Files" form. ・Please indicate in the "Message to Applicants" the closest field of study to the following World Model / LLM / Algorithm / Robotics / Social Implementation / Brain Model / Other
- 給与
6,000,000 yen~
- 勤務地
Matsuo Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering Building 2, 7-3-1. Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 国立大学法人 東京大学 工学系研究科 松尾研究室 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 工学部2号館
- 雇用形態
Annual employment contract (contract renewed annually by mutual agreement; maximum term of office for a special appointment is 10 years)
- 勤務体系
【Working hours】7 hours and 45 minutes per day based on the discretionary work system for specialized work. 【Holidays】Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end, and New Year holidays (December 29-January 3) 【Vacations】Annual paid vacations, special vacations, etc.
- 試用期間
- 福利厚生
Various social insurances (employment, workers' accident compensation, health, and welfare pension), transportation expenses paid, etc.
2024/06/13 04:30