Research Scientist
# Recruitment Background
Sagri aims to create carbon credits and MRV services by analyzing soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions through satellite data analysis. To generate carbon credits, it is necessary to prove the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through certification bodies. Therefore, the Sagri R&D team aims to establish a methodology to prove the creation of carbon credits using satellite data and input data from farming apps. We are looking for research scientists to join us in this endeavor.
# Mission of the Position
The farming application "Sagri" visualizes soil conditions of farmland analyzed by satellite data, helping farmers reduce fertilizer use and contribute to mitigating global warming. This development is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.
When using fertilizers in agriculture, farmers typically rely on intuition to determine where, how much, and what type of fertilizer to apply. This can lead to excessive use, increasing costs and leaving unabsorbed fertilizer in the soil, which contributes to global warming. Soil testing involves labor-intensive processes of soil collection and laboratory analysis.
The "Sagri" app develops AI models to analyze soil components from satellite images, allowing farmers to easily view field conditions on a map. This application helps farmers quickly understand the optimal type and amount of fertilizer to use for each plot.
Reducing chemical fertilizers decreases CO2 emissions and creates carbon credits. While the impact of carbon credits on farmer profits is about 2% in Japan, it can be around 15% in emerging countries, significantly improving farmers' revenues. Sagri aims to enhance the income of farmers in developing countries through extensive use of satellite data.
# Job Description
◆Specific Job Responsibilities
・Collect data on crop, soil, and greenhouse gas emissions domestically and internationally (mainly overseas) in cooperation with local fieldwork teams.
・Organize and preprocess data to make it ready for training machine learning models and calibrating process-based models.
・Handle individual PoC projects with responsibilities for data collection, analysis, paper writing, and patent applications under mentor guidance.
◆Sagri's Development Environment
We already have multiple products with significant growth potential, and the scope of development themes is broad. Even in unfamiliar areas, you can take on challenges if you are motivated.
Languages: TypeScript / Python / Rust
Architecture: Redux / Atomic Design
Libraries/Frameworks: React.js / Next.js / Django REST framework
DB: PostgreSQL (PostGIS)
Infrastructure: AWS (EC2 / EKS / S3 / RDS, etc.)
Version Control: Git Repository
Management: GitHub
Communication Tools: Slack / Zoom / Discord / Google meet
# Culture
◆About the Department
Department: Engineering Dept.
Members: 11 full-time employees
Supervisor: CRO Tanaka
◆Department Culture
Sagri is a private company, but we offer an environment where you can engage in research activities alongside your duties. You can continue your career in writing papers, attending conferences, and participating in academic societies. Depending on your achievements and suitability, we can consider arrangements where you remain affiliated with a university or research institution while working at Sagri (such as contracting or joint research). We welcome individuals who wish to build their careers in academia or research institutions in the future.
#Selection Process
- Document screening
- First Interview + Presentation
- Second interview
- Final interview
- Offer meeting
Join us!
◆Required Experience/Skills
・Proven research achievements using mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and machine learning.
・Development of machine learning and statistical models.
・Fieldwork experience in agriculture or environmental sectors.
・Ability to write peer-reviewed papers independently (PhD).
・Proficiency in presenting research in English (communication with international business units, reviewing, and writing academic papers).
Preferred Experiences
◆Preferred Experience/Skills
・Holding a PhD.
We are looking for
◆ Who We Want to Work With
・Shares Sagri’s vision, mission, and values.
・Proactively collaborates with universities and research institutions.
・Challenges themselves to develop future-oriented products that solve social issues.
・Expands their work scope beyond their specialty and continuously catches up with new technologies.
・Values team communication and information sharing, with a high willingness to learn new skills.
・Listens sincerely to customer feedback and responds proactively.
・Enjoys working in a fast-paced environment and embraces significant changes.
Working Conditions
Salary | annual income:¥4,000,000~¥9,000,000 <Scope of Assignment Changes> Immediately after hiring: according to job listing Scope of changes: Possible reassignment to all tasks (including temporary transfers) |
Location | 163-0218 Tokyo Headquarters Shinjuku Sumitomo Building, 18th Floor, 2-6-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo <Nearest Stations> Oedo Line, "Tochomae Station," A6 exit, directly connected Marunouchi Line, "Nishi-Shinjuku Station," Exit 2, 4-minute walk All lines, "Shinjuku Station," West Exit, 8-minute walk |
Job Type | ◆Employment TypeFull-time employee |
Work hours | ◆Working Hours Flexible time system (with core time) Starting time: 6:00 AM - 10:00 AM Ending time: 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM Core time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Break time: 1 hour ◆Holidays Annual holidays: 120+ days Principally two days off per week (Saturday and Sunday), national holidays |
Probation period | ◆Contract PeriodTrial period of 3-6 months |
Benefits | ◆Benefits - Transportation expenses - Annual paid leave - Maternity leave and childcare leave - Nursing care leave, nursing leave, work-related injury and illness leave, etc. ◆Insurance Complete social insurance (employment insurance, workers' compensation insurance, health insurance, employee pension insurance) ◆Anti-smoking Measures Non-smoking indoors |
Company information
Name | サグリ株式会社 |
Established | 2018年6月 |
Address | 〒669-3602 兵庫県丹波市氷上町常楽725-1 |
Capital | 7億7976万円(準備金含む) |
Employees | 54名(2024年11月末時点) |