Now Hiring Nursery Teachers for Newly Opened International School!
KIKAGAKU, a leading provider of cutting-edge education for adults, is now expanding its focus to cultivate globally competitive skills in children.
We are currently seeking a passionate and dedicated Nursery Teacher for our International Baccalaureate (IB)-aligned international school.
Responsibilities include providing care and education for children aged 2-5, associated administrative tasks, developing and implementing IB curriculum, conducting educational research, as well as communicating with parents and planning/organizing events.
This position offers the opportunity to develop a high level of expertise in creating an ideal education, practical and extensive business skills for launching new ventures, and the ability to drive business forward using AI and data analysis.
【Required Qualifications】
・Bachelor's degree from an overseas university, or practical experience in a kindergarten or international school.
・English communication skills (at least conversational level).
・Japanese communication skills (conversational level).
【We are looking for individuals who:】
・Are passionate about creating their own ideal education at a global level.
・Are eager to take on the challenge of launching new ventures.
給与 | Estimated Annual Salary: JPY 3,360,000 - JPY 5,160,000 Monthly Salary: JPY 280,000 - JPY 430,000 (Full-time) Fringe benefits and commuting allowance will be provided separately. Salary Increase (Raise): Available (twice per year) |
勤務地 | 【Location】 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 【Nearest Stations】 Toyosu Station (Yurakucho Line): 3-minute walk Toyosu Station (Yurikamome Line): 5-minute walk |
雇用形態 | Full-time employee (with a 6-month probationary period. During the probationary period, the employment type will be contract employee.) |
勤務体系 | Full-time: Shift work with 8 actual working hours per day between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM on weekdays ※Includes a 1-hour lunch break 【Holidays and Time Off】 Complete 2-day weekend (Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays) Occasional holiday work may be required for events (compensatory day off provided) 120 days or more of annual holidays Golden Week (G.W.) holidays, summer vacation, winter vacation (approximately 1 week each) Paid leave (10 days per year, increasing with years of service) |
試用期間 | A 6-month probationary period applies. During the probationary period, the employment type will be contract employee. |
福利厚生 | 【Benefits】 ・Social insurance (employment insurance, workers' accident compensation insurance, health insurance, and employee pension) ・Commuting allowance ・Paid leave (10 days per year, increasing with years of service) ・Maternity and paternity leave (actively encouraged for both men and women) ・Childcare allowance (subsidies for childcare services before school age) ・Annual salary increase (based on performance and circumstances) ・Skills development support (IB workshop fee subsidies) ・Uniform provided ・Book allowance (¥10,000 per month) ・Body maintenance allowance (¥10,000 per month) |
企業名 | 株式会社キカガク |
設立年月 | 2017年1月 |
本社所在地 | 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-6-4 渋谷イーストプレイス4階 |
資本金 | 20,499,140円 |
従業員数 | 126名 |